Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cnoos::object::audioClass which wraps around raw bytes of an audiofile
 Cnoos::cloud::callable< cloud_type, keep_alive, socket_type, error_handle >Class which wraps around a cloud call, its socket, buffer and callback
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< data_class >Cloud service base class
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< bool >
 Cnoos::cloud::delete_mapDelete a map saved in the platform
 Cnoos::cloud::get_mapGet the image of the map name asked for
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_add_modelLearn object gives by the user
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_del_modelClears operational memory for selected user
 Cnoos::cloud::upload_mapUpload a map to the platform
 Cnoos::cloud::upload_slam_config_fileUpload a config file with slam parameters to the platform
 Cnoos::cloud::vision_batch< ties >Vision_batch
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< noos::object::pose< float > >
 Cnoos::cloud::icp_slamSend laser/pointcloud data to create a map
 Cnoos::cloud::rbpf_slamSend laser/pointcloud data to create a map
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::deque< noos::object::point2d< float > > >
 Cnoos::cloud::path_planningCalculate a path between two points given
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< noos::object::face > >
 Cnoos::cloud::face_detectionDetect faces in the image
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< noos::object::human > >
 Cnoos::cloud::human_detectionDetect humans in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< noos::object::person > >
 Cnoos::cloud::face_recognitionRecognise faces
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< noos::object::point2d< float > > >
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_queryUser can provide query image to detect objects
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< noos::object::qr_code > >
 Cnoos::cloud::qr_recognitionService request to detect QR codes
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > >
 Cnoos::cloud::age_detectionDetect age range of person in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::face_expressionRecognise facial expressions from a person's image
 Cnoos::cloud::gender_detectionDetect gender of person in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::object_recognitionRecognize object from an image
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_base< std::vector< std::string > >
 Cnoos::cloud::available_servicesRequests available services from platform
 Cnoos::cloud::cloud_batchCloud service batch class
 Cnoos::cloud::vision_batch< ties >Vision_batch
 Cnoos::object::config_fileClass which convert a file into a std::string
 Cnoos::cloud::default_error_handlerDefault error handler will output on stderr
 Cnoos::cloud::deserialize< service_type, return_type >Deserialize a json string to noos::object::* this struct uses template specialisation for each service_type and return_type pair the template parameter service_type is a cloud class the template parameter return_type is the data (object) returned
 Cnoos::object::faceDescribes a face coordinate (cartesian)
 Cnoos::cloud::http_headerClass encapsulates the HTTP Header 1.1 standard
 Cnoos::cloud::http_postUse to store and pass POST data and realted info
 Cnoos::cloud::http_requestNooser for the classes http_header &http_post used for cloud requests
 Cnoos::cloud::age_detectionDetect age range of person in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::available_servicesRequests available services from platform
 Cnoos::cloud::delete_mapDelete a map saved in the platform
 Cnoos::cloud::face_detectionDetect faces in the image
 Cnoos::cloud::face_expressionRecognise facial expressions from a person's image
 Cnoos::cloud::face_recognitionRecognise faces
 Cnoos::cloud::gender_detectionDetect gender of person in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::get_mapGet the image of the map name asked for
 Cnoos::cloud::human_detectionDetect humans in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::icp_slamSend laser/pointcloud data to create a map
 Cnoos::cloud::object_recognitionRecognize object from an image
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_add_modelLearn object gives by the user
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_del_modelClears operational memory for selected user
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_queryUser can provide query image to detect objects
 Cnoos::cloud::path_planningCalculate a path between two points given
 Cnoos::cloud::qr_recognitionService request to detect QR codes
 Cnoos::cloud::rbpf_slamSend laser/pointcloud data to create a map
 Cnoos::cloud::upload_mapUpload a map to the platform
 Cnoos::cloud::upload_slam_config_fileUpload a config file with slam parameters to the platform
 Cnoos::cloud::vision_batch< ties >Vision_batch
 Cnoos::cloud::http_responseClass for taking the body of the streambuf , in other case it will return an error
 Cnoos::cloud::asio_handler< http_socket, asio_http >
 Cnoos::cloud::asio_httpASIO socket controller asynchronous http websockets used for cloud service calls
 Cnoos::cloud::asio_handler< tls_socket, asio_https >
 Cnoos::cloud::asio_httpsASIO socket controller for TLS (encrypred) cloud service calls
 Cnoos::cloud::asio_handler< socket_type, child_class >ASIO socket controller of boost asio socket type T
 Cnoos::object::humanDescribes human coordinates
 Cnoos::object::laserDescribes a laser scan data
 Cnoos::object::odometryDescribes the increment of the odometry
 Cnoos::object::orientation< value_type >Encapsulate euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw)
 Cnoos::object::orientation< float >
 Cnoos::object::personDescribes a face coordinate, the label and the confidence of the result
 Cnoos::object::pictureClass which wraps around raw bytes of a picture
 Cnoos::cloud::platformData of the platform where you are going to connect
 Cnoos::object::point< value_type >Encapsulate point position vector
 Cnoos::object::point2d< value_type >Encapsulate point of 2 dimensions (x, y)
 Cnoos::object::point< float >
 Cnoos::object::pose< value_type >Encapsulates position and orientation
 Cnoos::object::pose2d< value_type >Encapsulate point of 2 dimensions (x, y) with an angle
 Cnoos::object::pose< float >
 Cnoos::cloud::protocol_errorsShow the specific error due to a protocol error
 Cnoos::object::qr_codeClass which should encapsulate a QR code
 Cnoos::cloud::tied< cloud_type >Tied is a convenience pair struct for object + functors used by vision_batch
 Cnoos::object::timeWraps around a time-stamp (UNIX Epoch)
 Cnoos::cloud::vision_baseBase class for vision cloud classes - used mostly for static assertions
 Cnoos::cloud::age_detectionDetect age range of person in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::face_detectionDetect faces in the image
 Cnoos::cloud::face_expressionRecognise facial expressions from a person's image
 Cnoos::cloud::face_recognitionRecognise faces
 Cnoos::cloud::gender_detectionDetect gender of person in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::human_detectionDetect humans in an image
 Cnoos::cloud::object_recognitionRecognize object from an image
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_add_modelLearn object gives by the user
 Cnoos::cloud::orb_queryUser can provide query image to detect objects
 Cnoos::cloud::qr_recognitionService request to detect QR codes
 Cshared_ptr< http_socket >
 Cshared_ptr< tls_socket >